Top Tips For Your First Interview!

21st April 2023, Rebecca Sproston

Having an interview is scary enough without not knowing what to wear or say!

Follow these tips to smash your interview and get the job you want.

What to wear for your first interview?

For any interview, you need to make sure you have dressed appropriately. You don’t need to wear a suit if you don’t want to, but you need to look neat and tidy for a higher chance of getting the job. A few things to wear include:

  • Dress pants
  • Knee length skirt
  • Blazer
  • Blouses
  • Polo shirts
  • Black jeans

What to do when you enter the room?

When you first enter the room, you want to have a loud voice, eye contact, and start off with a strong handshake. You must remember that first impression last forever. You need to stand out from the other people there. The top 5 things to do include:

  • Enter with a smile.
  • Stay peaceful & calm.
  • Stay focused & undisturbed by your surroundings.
  • Listen to the experiences of the candidates interviewed before you.
  • Posture – sit straight.

What questions are likely to get asked in your first interview?

When the interviewer asks you questions you need to answer with confidence and make sure you listen for the questions getting asked again which likely means that you have not provided a good answer. A few questions that get asked are:

  • Tell me something about yourself?
  • How did you hear about this position?
  • Why do you want to work here?

For more information, contact one of our consultants who can give advice and walk you through your preparation!

How to Write a CV

Women in Recruitment

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