How to Hand in Your Notice

11th July 2022, Tara McManus

After the trials and tribulations of finding a new job comes yet another hurdle to face:

handing in your notice.

Letting your boss know that you are leaving can be extremely difficult, but ultimately may be the right decision.

This article will guide you through handing in your resignation, from letter to notice period!

As a rule of thumb we don’t recommend you hand your notice in until you have received a contract from your new employers. This allows you to make sure you are 100% happy with what your new job can offer.

Once you have your contract and are happy with the conditions, then it’s time to start the process of handing in your notice!

Write a letter of resignation.

Although it might seem easier to call your boss and verbally tell them you’re leaving, it can create more issues and indiscretions. Writing out a letter provides clarity.

A resignation letter aims to do three things:

  1. Inform your employer that you are leaving.
  2. Remind them of your notice period and the last date you will be working.
  3. Thank them for your time at the company.

The following format could be used:


Dear [Boss’s Name], 

I am writing this letter to inform you I am handing in my notice and will be completing my notice period, finishing on the [Date].  

I would like to extend my thanks for the time I have spent at this company and wish you all the best for the future. 

Kind regards, 



If you’re close to your boss then you might want to tell them your reason for leaving. But you don’t legally have to reveal anything! Try to avoid burning any bridges in case you need references in the future. If they wish to do an exit interview and ask what could be done better, it might be best to give wider constructive criticism rather than focusing on individuals. This can create bad blood and could affect future references.

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Meet with your boss

Once you have written your letter it’s time to get in touch with your boss and hand in your notice. In-person meetings are usually better, but in the aftermath of the pandemic it might not be possible. If you need to create a video meeting and have your letter ready to attach. Always make sure your boss is the first to know that you’re leaving, as tempting as it might be to tell your work friends. This avoids any bad feelings.

It’s important to be prepared for any circumstance- this includes a negative response to your resignation. If they’re unhappy about your decision to leave remember to remain calm. Avoid an argument where possible, you don’t want to cause a scene. If you have serious issues you want to discuss try to do so rationally. They might use any anger or excessive emotion to undermine your complaints!

Counter Offer

If your boss doesn’t want to see you go they might counter-offer. This is where they offer you more money or promotion to ensure you stay. It is your choice whether you accept this, but try to remember why you wanted to leave in the first place. Ask yourself, is it worth staying, or will you regret letting your new opportunity go? According to findings an astounding 80% of people who accept a counter-offer end up leaving within 6 months, with 90% leaving after 12 months.

If you’re 100% sure you want to leave then remain firm in your stance and politely decline their offer but thank them for their time.

Notice Period

Your notice period is usually agreed upon in your contract but you may be able to discuss this with your employer during the meeting. It’s always helpful to know what your maximum notice period is so you can let your new employer know a time frame to help them work out a start date.

Sometimes your boss will ask you to leave immediately, but you are entitled to be paid for your notice period regardless. If you are asked to work the notice period do so with pride. Avoid slacking off as it can damage your reputation! You never know who you might run into at a future company.

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Tell your work colleagues

After you’ve told your boss about your intentions to leave, ask if you can tell your colleagues the news. If you work in a large office it might be easier to write an email and send it to everyone. Otherwise, you might be able to do this personally. This is a great way to avoid office gossip and strengthen any work relationships for the future.


Once you’ve completed your notice it’s time for your last day. You can hand over any equipment and receive any documents you may need. Then you can say goodbye, and say hello to your new job!

Connectment provides advice throughout your consultation, this includes helping you hand in your notice. If you are counter-offered and struggling to make a decision, they can give an insight using their years of experience! Get in touch today to see what we can do, for you! 


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Connectment Ltd is a consultancy-based recruitment company. Our reputation is based on proven results, as we are dedicated to providing our clients and candidates with the best possible service. If you are interested in working with us, get in touch today.

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